Let the seeds of a new joyful you take flight today!

Welcome to TLC Soul School

Where we offer a range of transformational options designed exclusively for individuals seeking to bring colour back into their life, rediscover happiness, contentment, and the endless possibilities that life holds, even after significant changes or loss.

Learn More About TLC
The TLC Course is the foundation of Thoen's Life Coaching, but we also offer mini courses and private coaching for additional support and personalized growth.

Choose the TLC offering that best suits your personal learning style & needs... Basic, Premium or VIP


✓ Online TLC Course

Self-directed learning -  perfect for anyone seeking transformation and self-care in their own time.

Discover a path to personal growth, confidence, and lasting happiness.

Perfect if you are passionate about change & want the  Freedom to choose to take the course at YOUR own pace and on YOUR schedule! 

TLC is a 52 lesson course - so it's perfect if you'd like to pace yourself for a year of transformation, but it's also flexible to binge - or slow down & take your time with your transformation. 

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✓ Monthly Live Group Coaching

✓ Online TLC Course with Weekly Lessons

For students who want more structure, accountability with the content, and live coaching.

Uncover the way to personal growth, freedom, and finding your purpose with our Online TLC program with weekly lessons and Monthly Live Group Coaching.

TLC is a full-year course: 12 months of learning, 8 months of transformational content along with 2-hour Pamper & Empower group coaching sessions, and 4 months of integration.

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✓ Weekly 1-hour one-on-one coaching

✓ Online TLC Course with Weekly Lessons

For those seeking to seriously uplevel their life & create massive transformation.

Navigate towards personal growth, healing, and reclaiming your authentic self with our most comprehensive TLC option. You’ll get the full year of TLC weekly lessons, plus an hour of 1:1 Coaching/week during the 8-month transformational modules.

ONLY consider this if you need extra guidance and are truly ready to advance quickly to the next level in your life! :)

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"Embrace change, find joy, and master peace in your life."

Christina Thoen

Investing in Your Happiness


I promise that this will be one of the best investments you will ever make... YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! And if you don't think you are, realize that as you fill your cup, you'll have much more to share with others. It is probably one of the most "unselfish" things you could do! Oddly, many of us don't put the care & support we need into ourselves, yet we expect to be able to help and give to others. It's time that we  realize the "oxygen mask" reality... putting yours on will always be the best gift you can give to those around you. Do it for them if you can't do it for yourself quite yet... I know... I couldn't quit smoking til I was pregnant with my first child - it was EASY to make that choice for him!! With TLC, not only will your world transform, but everyone's world around you will transform too... :)

I'm sooooo excited for you... Let this year be the year of huge positive change and no regrets! :) 

PS. I know you will LOVE this, but just to be sure, there is a 14-day money-back guarantee so you can feel good about this decision!

I truly believe that this may be the most important decision you can ever make in your life because you are choosing to invest in yourself. The TLC will give you the space to do your own inner work to truly be happy - raise your vibration, shed limiting beliefs, drop resistance, and literally create a life that you love, and an opportunity to find your life's true purpose... SOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!  :)

Are you coming with me?


Your journey to rediscover your authentic self and embrace a life full of possibilities begins here at TLC Soul School.  I invite you to explore our transformational course options, engage with our supportive community, and take the first step toward a happier, more fulfilled you!

Still not sure?

Join the FREE 45-minute TLC mini-class

“Your time is now. Start where you stand and never back down”

Roy T. Bennett

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TLC Soul School

213 19th Street West
S7M 5N3
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

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